Monday, June 14, 2010

Natural Cleaning for Your Laundry with Soap Nuts

Soap Nuts? What are they and benefits?

Common names soapberry and soapnut, both names referring to the use of the crushed seeds to make soap.
Soap nuts contain  saponins a natural surfactant. They have been used for washing for thousands of years by various peoples, such as the Native American as a natural cleaning option, and can easily be added to your washing machine in a bio-degradable cloth bag.
Soap Nuts are free of synthetic chemicals, fragrances, toxins, and most of all, the fillers that are used in commercial detergent today.

They're just as powerful as standard detergent.

The best way to use these is to put a few shells in a cloth bag and add it to your washing machine.

Soap Nuts release the soap better in hot water, but you can still use cooler water if you need to run a cold wash-you might just need to use a few more nuts for a deep clean.

The shells can be used over and over again.

Not only are you helping to save the environment with Soap Nuts, but you'll save money, too.
More about Soap Nuts here

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